Escape to Your Man Cave
Daddy Talk

Escape To Your Man Cave, And Relax

Every man needs a place to escape from the stresses of daily life: a job, being a dad, housework and paying the bills. Some men decide to escape to the gym, a friend’s house, or a bar for a quick tipple, but a good way of investing in your free time is to make a space for yourself either in the home or outside: otherwise known as a man cave. You space could be in your spare room, garage or shed, and you can then transform it into a personalized retreat. Start by looking at the size and shape of your area and choose how you want to use the space. If the space is outdoors, then you may need outdoor plug sockets. If it is indoors, then you may need extra sockets and aerial points.

If your space is outdoors, it may require heating. A gas heater, fan heater or even a portable heater will do the job. Depending on how you want to use your space, you will need to think about what kind of lighting you’re going to use. If you’re a gamer, you may just want a lamp or dimmer lights, but if it’s your space to work on your car or woodwork project, then you may want a much brighter light. If you are going to do projects in there, you’ll need tools – obviously – and you could research some benchtop bandsaw reviews to make your choice.

Escape to Your Man Cave

The colors you choose for your space are a way of characterizing your style and how you use the space. Darker colors can be good for a chilled out vibe, but if you fancy a touch of color, then you can go as bright as you want – it’s your space after all! Masonry paint means that you can paint the walls outside your space in bright colors, too. On the other hand, if your man cave is in a shed, then stains and varnishes come in all sorts of shades, so there is no excuse for a grey, old looking shed.

The finishing touches can help you stamp your authority on your man cave. Wall art can bring any tatty old man cave to life, whether it be posters of sports players, or bands, or modern, on trend framed prints. Think about mounting a TV on the wall, and don’t forget to hide your cables (plus, if your man cave is in a shed, you may need to think about getting something like these Outdoor Sockets by Landscape Plus so that you can get your TV, and other devices, up and running). If you want to keep this your private and personal haven then you could add black out blinds. This could work really well if you intend to watch movies.

You can impress your friends by building a mini bar out of all sorts of equipment; and buying an old fridge and painting it to make it look either vintage or really modern. A fridge is always a good idea as that means you and your friends can enjoy a beer and some snacks while relaxing. Your friends will be impressed by the effort you have put in and will be eager to come back.

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