• Clearer, Kinder, Cleaner: The Advantages of Saltwater Pools Over Chlorinated Pools

    Clearer, Kinder, Cleaner: The Advantages of Saltwater Pools Over Chlorinated Pools

    To many, a pool is just a pool; a place to splash, exercise, or unwind. However, look a bit deeper, and you’ll find significant differences in how these pools operate, treat water, and even how they feel to the swimmer. Traditional chlorinated pools rely on manually added chlorine to disinfect and keep the water clear. This method has been the standard for decades, providing a straightforward way to kill harmful bacteria and maintain a pool’s health. Yet, with the progression of time and technology, saltwater pools have begun making waves in the industry. These pools aren’t filled with ocean water, as some might imagine. Instead, they use a clever mechanism:…