• Several Places to Shop for Black Friday Deals
    Deals,  Featured,  Shopping

    Several Places to Shop for Black Friday Deals

    First off, I’m hoping everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving whether you stayed or got together with family. We stayed home, cooked, and watched football along with a couple of movies. We all know that Black Friday is upon us all and we all want some great deals. With my two oldest kids being grown and the youngest is a sophomore in high school, it made us reminiscence. Black Friday used to be a time where we head out late at night or first thing in the morning looking for deals. Nowadays, you can do all the shopping you want from the comfort of home. Like always, there are some amazing…

  • Date Night for the Holidays
    Entertainment,  Featured,  Life,  Marriage

    Date Nights for the Holidays That Won’t Break The Bank

    The holidays can put a damper on your love life, between family gatherings, parties, family visiting, and lower funds. Don’t let that romance slip away, though. You can keep your date nights going without having to go all out or spend too much money. Here are a few ideas for some easy to achieve dates with your significant other. In-home movie One thing to learn about dates- they don’t have to be fancy, they just have to be planned. Sometimes when surprising your love, the best thing you can do is come up with all the plans yourself. Plan an in-home movie night, complete with dinner, snacks, and a baby…